The Last Fairy Tale - audiobook. - Colin Cassidy

The Last Fairy Tale – audiobook.

The Last Fairy Tale – audiobook.

So just before Christmas, I finished a massive Audiobook project. The book title was ‘The Last Fairy Tale’, written by E.S. Lowell and featured 25 different character voices from a magical world named Aeldyn.

The heroine is a girl named Olivia Wickworth. Olivia lives in Orphanage Nine, a refuge for the genetically-modified children living in the final days of a dying Earth. In what could be our near future, mankind has completed the widespread implementation of cellular computing – but with devastating unforeseen consequences. Just when all hope seems lost, Olivia enters Aeldyn, a land created thousands of years ago when man exiled magical creatures from Earth. Although Aeldyn seems like the world of Olivia’s dreams, it is not without its own darkness. There is evil in the land that threatens to corrupt Aeldyn just as Earth has been corrupted, and Olivia is the only one who can stop it. On her quest to defeat this evil, Olivia forges friendships, meets fantastic creatures, and rediscovers the lost art of magic. But can she save both Aeldyn and what is left of mankind? Listen as the award-winning Australian voice actor and impressionist, Colin Cassidy, brings life to Olivia and her fascinating friends on their quests through Aeldyn. His colorful narration adds excitement and depth to Olivia’s adventures as well as her encounters with life’s many hardships.

The video above is a snippet of some of the characters and ends with a brief promo of the book.

Thanks to the talented peeps at Ink and Dust Publishing LLC

You can link to the Amazon Audible Audiobook version here:

or HERE:


